Friday, March 16, 2012

Early or Late?

He eats breakfast at 2 pm. If that's not weird enough, he completes all the meals of the day and eats lunch at 5 pm and supper at 10 pm. Then goes to sleep at 3 am and wakes up the next day at 1 pm. Sometimes, I don't know if the guy's early or late with his meals.

By the way, the guy's my brother--my fantastic brother. I'm amazed at how he's faithful with his meal routine--never mind if he woke up too late (or too early?) for breakfast, he's still going to have it (most people would have their late lunch at 2 pm and forget about breakfast. Not my brother). And he's going to complete all his meals for the day--early or late.

He's been doing it for years and do you know how it affects his health?

Body Clock

I see my brother's body systems upset by his disoriented body clock. We have a body clock that God put inside us. That clock is synchronized with nature's schedules. The tummy expects refill in the morning (refill with healthy, naturally nutritious breakfast, not just heavy breakfast) after a long fast from night to morning, and after the body's natural detox process in the early morning.

You see, after a detox, your body needs a refill. So make sure you refill it with nutritious food, like fresh fruits and fruit drinks, plus both macro and other micro nutrients. I help my body's natural detox through water therapy each early morning. Then my small intestines move and I eliminate wastes. When my stomach empties, I fill it with fresh fruits some purple corn juice, fresh lemon in water, then a healthy breakfast.

Anyway, back to my brother. This is what happens to him. When his body detoxes in the morning, instead of eliminating the toxins in the toilet he's asleep with it. So the toxins stay in his body. Then he eats breakfast at 2 pm. The toxins he failed to eliminate would soon be reinforced so that's more toxins accumulated. And so on.

Good if he could eliminate them all later in the evening. But the problem with a disoriented body is that all  its systems fail to work on time and later malfunction--like the way my brother finds it hard to control his urination and defecation. When they like to go they just go regardless of whether he's poised in the toilet or somewhere out of the house--which is big trouble.

Should you eat early or late? Well, the real point is you should follow your God-assigned body clock. You can never go against what God has instituted. That's rebellion. To me, my body clock urges me to eat an early breakfast (I automatically wake up at 5 or 5.30 am) after my early morning water therapy. After my fresh fruits, I eat my nutritious breakfast, like hopia soup. Or grilled hopia when I want something different.

Hopia Soup Ad